Imagine an Earth-sized planet that's not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it's carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers haveImagine an Earth-sized planet that's not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it's carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers hav?
Imagine an Earth-sized planet that's not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it's carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers haveImagine an Earth-sized planet that's not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it's carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers hav?
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